Biosynthesis of oxygen
Project Name
Containing ergonomical additives for gasoline, diesel and biological fuel.
“Clean-Services” (Ukraine)
“KB-Yuzhnoye” (Ukraine) “AZECOLAB” (Azerbaijan).
The utilization of wastes of production PTFE
Project Name
wares as mean of fight against international terrorism.
Clean-Services “AZECOLAB”
Synthesis of multifunctional sorbents by updating of industrial polymers, polymeric waste products and studying of process of sorbtion toxic substances from various waters.
Project Name
Development technology of reception of sorbents for clearing residual oil pollution bases on magnetic nanocompositors.
Project Name
Development technology of reception of Silicon Carbide nanoparticles for electronics
Project Name
Development of treatment technology by means of various oxidants for oil polluted soils.
Project Name
Joint Ukrainian -
Azerbaijan Project. 3527
Biosynthesis of the oxygen - containing ergonomical additive for gasoline, diesel and biological fuel.
The main aim of the project is development of scientific - technological base of biosynthesis of the ergonomic oxygen - containing additive (OCA) for gasoline, diesel and biological fuel.
In the project framework will be analysis, modelling and optimization of the assembly for obtaining the OCA for fuel. Development of the design, technological, normative-technical documentation. Manufacturing of the OCA obtaining assembly. Synthesis of the OCA to run research work. Scientific-and-experimental research of blends of the OCA with gasoline, diesel and biological fuel to determine main physicochemical indicators which have an impact on evaporation processes, blend formation and combustion. Research of blends of the OCA with fuel to determine a breakup, boiling temperature, calorific value of the OCA. Certification of obtained OCA samples.
Joint Ukrainian -
Azerbaijan Project . 3840
The utilization of wastes of production PTFE wares as mean of fight against international terrorism.
The main aim of the project is development of scientific-technological base of utilization of wastes of production PTFE wares (Poly Tetra Fluorine Ethylene or Teflon) as mean of fight against international terrorism.
Within the limits of project will be conducted analysis, modeling and optimization of the setting for processing of the PTFE's wastes and development of the design, technological, normative-technical documentation. The pilot setting for processing of the PTFE's wastes will be made. Synthesis of the suspended PTFE samples for conducting of research works. Scientific-and-experimental researches of the got PTFE blends. Certification of the suspended PTFE samples. Development technology of the repeated utilization of Teflon's wastes.